
Payment: payment shall be made by either of the following methods:

  1. Charged to your Pacemaker or Capricorn account – subject to Pacemaker or Capricorn payment terms and conditions.
  2. Cash at any Pacemaker Distribution centre.
  3. EFT(Electronic funds transfer) to BSB: 065-000  Account number : 10263884
  4. Credit card paymenteither over the phone or at a Pacemaker Distribution Centre. We only accept Visa and Mastercard. (note: customers credit card details are not stored for future payment unless expressly requested to do so by the customer)

The Applicant agrees to comply with the trading terms of PACEMAKER and shall pay for goods or services purchased by the Applicant to PACEMAKER thirty days (30) days from the end of the month in which the invoice is rendered. The customer shall pay PACEMAKER all other monies including interest due and owing, costs and expenses of PACEMAKER within thirty days of the end of the month in which such are incurred. If payment is not made when due, PACEMAKER may charge interest on moneys outstanding at a rate of two percent (2.5%) per month on all monies due and owing to PACEMAKER and any commercial agents expenses incurred, or to be incurred, by us up to 17.5% of any amount entrusted to an agent to collect.